What Are the Benefits of Inpatient Rehab?

In the journey toward overcoming addiction, choosing the right treatment path is a pivotal decision. Among the various options available, inpatient rehab has proven to be a highly effective choice for many. It offers a structured environment dedicated to individuals’ recovery, providing the necessary support and resources to foster a successful journey to sobriety. This…

How to Prepare for Co-Occurring Rehab

Attending a co-occurring rehab center in Dublin, Ohio, is a major step forward. Getting the help you need to overcome addiction and heal mental health concerns marks the start of a new and exciting phase of life – but the thought of attending treatment can feel daunting, especially when you don’t know what to expect.…

downtown LA

Finding an Addiction Recovery Center in Seattle

If you are looking for an addiction recovery center in Seattle, it is important to consider what programs will be the best fit for your needs. There are a number of different types of programs available, such as inpatient treatment, residential treatment, and outpatient rehab programs. It is also essential to find an addiction recovery…

The Dangers of Addiction to Pain Pills

Abuse of prescription medications is prevalent in the United States today. It’s essential to be aware of the symptoms that someone you care about may be abusing pills. Unfortunately, addiction to pain pills and other medications often happens by accident. Blaming someone for their addiction never helps resolve the issue. What matters is convincing someone…

5 Benefits of Family Counseling

Addiction affects the entire family. Those struggling with addiction may lie or manipulate loved ones. Family members may stress or worry about their child, spouse, or loved one dealing with addiction. Unfortunately, addiction can tear families apart, making it more difficult for everyone to heal. Support from family and loved ones is crucial to successful…

Adult Drug Abuse Indicated By Adolescent Substance Abuse, Memory, and Impulsivity

Recent research has indicated that when adolescent substance use goes unchecked, it can indicate adult drug use and abuse. As such, it is essential to seek out the best possible adolescent substance use treatment center. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we’re proud to offer exceptional substance use treatment for adolescent boys around the country. To…