finding the right rehab program

Finding The Right Rehab Program

After deciding to seek addiction treatment, it is important to find a rehab program that meets your needs. There are many options for drug and alcohol rehab centers, so it is good to consider your preferences or requirements. These may range from gender-specific rehab with designated men’s rehab centers and women’s rehab centers or medically-assisted…

What Does Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Depression and Addiction Look Like?

It’s common for those with a depressive order to struggle with substance abuse issues. Depression can lead many to attempt to distract themselves or mask the problem with drugs or alcohol, which may help them momentarily, but ultimately causes the depression to worsen. A dual diagnosis treatment program is often necessary to address these co-occurring…

Adult Drug Abuse Indicated By Adolescent Substance Abuse, Memory, and Impulsivity

Recent research has indicated that when adolescent substance use goes unchecked, it can indicate adult drug use and abuse. As such, it is essential to seek out the best possible adolescent substance use treatment center. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we’re proud to offer exceptional substance use treatment for adolescent boys around the country. To…