Many types of therapy exist, so it could be hard for people to keep up with them. They might know of common counseling services such as cognitive behavioral therapy. However, they probably don’t know much about less common methods, such as somatic therapy. What is somatic therapy, and how can it help those who struggle with addiction?
What Is Somatic Therapy?
Let’s start with an answer to “what is somatic therapy?” Therapists describe it as a body-centered therapy. The goal is to use physical therapy and psychotherapy for holistic healing purposes. It focuses on the connection between the body and the mind.
This type of counseling uses not only talk therapy but also mind-body exercises. These activities help people to release pent-up anger and tension. The idea is that this rage and stress negatively impacts their emotional and physical well-being. Releasing it has a positive impact on their overall health.
When Does Somatic Therapy Work?
In most cases, therapists use somatic therapy to help people overcome grief, anxiety, depression, and stress. Furthermore, they can also use it to overcome problems such as sexual dysfunction and addiction.
In fact, the results of somatic therapy are two-fold for people who struggle with addiction. The reason is that it can treat their addictions and the underlying causes. For instance, problems such as depression and trauma often lead them down the path of addiction.
What Happens During Somatic Therapy?
Somatic therapy can occur in a group setting or one-on-one sessions. Regardless of the environment, people can expect to participate in both talk and physical therapy. The specific methods depend heavily on which ones that the therapists believe are the best fit for each person.
For example, therapists might have people talk about past traumatic experiences. During the discussion, they’ll pay attention to people’s physical responses to these memories. Therapists might also have people perform physical activities to relieve tension and grief. These activities might include meditation, deep breathing and other relaxing exercises.
Of course, the physical exercises don’t stop there. People might also do yoga or dance. Sometimes, the therapists instruct them to perform vocal work. In any case, the therapists walk them through the process of each exercise.
Heal Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Addiction affects all parts of a person’s life, including their mind, body, and soul. Somatic therapy helps heal all of these aspects at once. As clients learn to understand their past trauma and addiction, they can come to terms with their lives and begin working toward healing.
Once you understand what is somatic therapy, it’s time to find a facility that offers it. Reach out to a drug addiction treatment center that offers a somatic therapy program today to begin your recovery journey.